
UTube vs. YouTube

UTube vs. YouTube
Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Inc., una marca de tubos y equipamientos está harta que sus posibles clientes simplemente no puedan ver el sitio porque constantemente está caida por sobrecarga de usuarios despistados que quieren accesar a YouTube (“u-tube” se pronuncia igual que “you tube”).

…por dicha razón y en un movimiento que es probablemente más publicitario que otra cosa han decidido demandar a YouTube, buscan algún tipo de compensación por los “daños causados” imagino que es más fácil demandar una empresa que la compró Google y así no sonar tan ridículos y pendejos.

uTube vs YouTube: ¡Están locos estos romanos!

Tengo que reconocer que el mundo de las demandas, siempre que no me tengan a mi como implicado, me fascina. Con pocas cosas se puede uno reir tanto como con una demanda “loca”, además últimamente estás florecen con bastante asiduidad.

Leyendo a Zootropo descubro el caso uTube vs YouTube, donde la primera de ellas demandó a Google (propietaria de YouTube) por los gastos de hosting que implicaban las numerosas visitas de internautas que se confundían con la segunda. Algo así como que tu tienda de ropa se llene de gente confundida que esperaba encontrarse con películas.

No hay que olvidar que la confusión también implica clientes en potencia (¿Por qué no llevarse una camiseta ya que estamos en la tienda?) y esto mismo ha ocurrido. La demandante uTube ha montado una tienda de venta de tonos para móviles y sus ganancias son de 1000 dólares diarios. De todos modos los 30.000 dólares mensuales a base de melodías parecen no haber sido suficientes y la demanda sigue

uTube vs YouTube, o de cómo demandar a Google por hacerte ganar 1000$ diarios es la url de una compañía que demandó a Google debido al ancho de banda que sus servidores malgastaban por fallos de los usuarios al escribir la url del sitio web de vídeos de Google.

Ahora se descubre que no solo no pierden dinero debido a la similitud de los nombres, sino que han aprovechado para montar un sistema de venta de tonos para móviles que les reporta 1000$ diarios. Pero claro, eso no significa que vayan a dejar de lado la demanda…

UTube, YouTube?

Talk about a lucky break: the owner of has turned down a $1 million dollar offer for the domain, and is holding out for $2.5 million to $3 million, or so he claims. The site is presumably receiving heavy traffic from users typing “” into their address bar - but instead of the video-sharing delights of YouTube, they’re met with the online presence of Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp (almost as good, but with fewer funny kitten videos).

Since the Google-YouTube acquisition on Monday, the site has been down almost permanently, says owner Ralph Girkins. He also says the $1 million offer came from an intermediary claiming to represent YouTube. A YouTube spokesperson, meanwhile, says they’re not interested. He hasn’t spoken to Google or YouTube directly, but he has received around 20 phone calls from people who want to sell the domain for him.

So what’s worth? Probably more than $1 million, if YouTube continues to grow. What’s more, Girkin has a legitimate claim to the URL. However, it’s also worth noting that the sudden press interest in YouTube probably won’t sustain forever, and right now he’s just paying bandwidth charges for people who aren’t that likely to snap up a Yoder W15 Reducing Mill. What’s more, telling the press about it is a sure sign that he wants to ratchet the price up. Now I come to think of it, there was another company that managed to get a great price and a quicker deal after a bit of press hype. Hmmm…

Update: CNN Money is reporting this story as “YouTube is Killing My Business!”, which seems like a bizarre claim. The obvious answer is to move the site to and fill utube with ads.

UTube Vs. YouTube: It Gets Ugly

Call it opportunistic or just plain unfortunate. The folks at Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment have had such a tricky time with their Web site that they're now suing

It appears the company's Web site,, has received so many millions of inadvertent hits from web users itching to visit its popular almost-name sake, it has now crashed about five times.

The tube maker and used machines seller, which has just 17 employees and is based in Perrysburg, Ohio, said its website was so overwhelmed it received 68 million hits in the month of August.

Ralph Girkins, Universal Tube's president, told the Associated Press that the confusion began two months ago, and since then the costs of maintaining the site have skyrocketed.

Consider that YouTube reportedly pays at least $1 million a month just to keep its myriad videos of sleeping monkeys and microphone-swallowing German DJs, accessible.

Not surprisingly, shut down again on the weekend just before Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) announced plans buy YouTube for $1.65 billion.

This week Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, or just UTube for brevity's sake, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court, calling on YouTube to either give up its domain name or help pay the cost of maintaining's millions of visitors.

For Google, it seems the demands have come rolling in ever since it swallowed up the ostensibly non-profit making YouTube. Cable network Comedy Central, a division of Viacom (nyse: VIA.B - news - people ), has called on the website to remove thousands of clips of its shows, and copyright owners in Japan have demanded the purging of around 300,000 clips.

We're probably more likely to see pigs fly (in reality, not on YouTube) than see YouTube change its domain name, and that could mean UTube is set for something of a windfall.

Then again, one wonders if it might have been worth finding the extra cash to sustain, considering most online advertisers would likely come stampeding at the sound of 68 million hits a month.

Utube vs. YouTube

GootubeOs lo decíamos hace poco, ya empiezan a salir empresas que se atreven a demandar a Youtube por el simple hecho de que pertenece a Google y se pueden sacar unos cuantos dólares.

Esta vez ha sido la empresa de tubos y equipamientos Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp., cuya web es, que está harta de que sus clientes no puedan acceder a la web porque siempre está sobrecargada de usuarios que se confunden con YouTube.

“Hemos tenido que cambiar de hospedaje cinco veces para tratar de evitar a los visitantes de YouTube.”

Fueron las palabras del presidente de Universal Tube, Ralph Girkins, que además quiere alguna compensación por los costes implicados.

Lo curioso es que aunque esta página lleva activa desde hace 10 años, y aunque YouTube lleva abierta desde principios de 2005, han esperado hasta ahora, cuando Google la ha adquirido.

(Via The INQuirer)

YouTube Vs. Utube

Para nosotros que hablamos español nos parecerá algo tonto confundir estos 2 nombres, pero en inglés suenan exactamente igual y presta a la confusión. No sería más que un simple error, pero magnificado aporta su peso. UTube, es una empresa fabricadora de tubos, nada que ver con el sitio de videos, que “roba” a YouTube mil dólares diarios y subió sus visitas de 1500 a 2 millones, todo por esta confusión. En realidad, más que eso, también juega la distracción de la gente porque el diseño no tiene ningún parentesco uno con el otro y ademas en la portada de UTube dice “Universal Tube & Rollform Equiment Corporation”, sabiendo el idioma y con 2 deods de frente puede saber que ahí no voy a encontrar videos. Pero de todas formas, la gente se fija en unos sutiles tags en la parte superior (anuncios de ringtones), hacen click allí (pensando que encontrarán videos sobre eso¿? :???:) y presto! 1000 dólares de regalo. Ahora esperan que la empresa de tubos cambie su nombre, pero con tal beneficio, ¿quién lo haría a voluntad? Fuente | ALT1040

UTube vs. YouTube

Leído en ALT1040 el 02/11/06 a las 21:24:17
Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Inc., una marca de tubos y equipamientos está harta que sus posibles clientes simplemente no puedan ver el sitio porque constantemente está caida por sobrecarga de usuarios despistados que quieren accesar a YouTube (“u-tube” se pronuncia igual que “you tube”). …por dicha razón y en un movimiento que es probablemente [...]

Youtube vs Utube: parecerse a los grandes en Internet no siempre es rentable

Un fabricante de tubos estadounidense pretende demandar a Youtube por generarle un tráfico de casi 70 millones de visitas al mes en su página web. El problema es que el nombre de esta empresa ( es muy similar al del portal de vídeos y, en las búsquedas, los usuarios se confunden y colapsan su servidor. De hecho, en estos momentos, el servidor no está disponible.

Lo que podría parecer un golpe de suerte se ha convertido en un quebradero de cabeza para Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corporation, empresa especializada en la fabricación y venta de tubos de hierro, con sede en Ohio, Estados Unidos.

Sólo en el mes de agosto, con la noticia de la compra de Youtube por parte de Google, la compañía recibió un tráfico de 68 millones de visitas. Lejos de suponerle beneficios, Utube ha tenido que invertir enormes cantidades de dinero para mantener su presencia en la red y evitar mayores pérdidas por la disminución de sus ventas a través del portal.

De momento, Utube ha decidido tomar cartas sobre el asunto, demandando a Youtube, que no se ha pronunciado. El fabricante de tubos exige que el popular portal se cambie de nombre o, como alternativa, una indemnización con la que cubrir los gastos para el mantenimiento de su servidor.

Por ahora, no se plantean vender su dominio. Sin embargo, con el tráfico que genera, no le faltaran ofertas millonarias de aquí a un futuro próximo. vs.

A raíz de la compra de por Google, por el nada despreciable precio de $1500 millones, fue la que sufrió las consecuencias a la curiosidad de millones de internautas que buscaban la dirección de la famosa comunidad de videos. Siendo ambas direcciones homófonas, se entiende hasta cierto punto las posibles equivocaciones por parte de los internautas. Según Ralph Girkins este hecho le ha costado muchísimo dinero a su empresa, dado que los servidores estuvieron fuera de servicio durante bastante tiempo al verse saturados por la cantidad de descargas que se solicitaban, por lo que desde un principio ha tratado desesperadamente que Google encuentre alguna solución a su problema. Bueno, al final terminó denunciando a Google a principios de semana, como cabría de esperar.

Fuente: CNN Money | Microsiervos | Spiegel

utub vs youtube

Alguien entiende la diferencia entre esto y esto

En el primero indica un 7 puntuacion Seo y al 2º y original increiblemente un 6. Será que no necesita nada ya el 2º o qué...
Ya sé que los datos siempre son irrevelantes , pero algo aproximados y acertados vi respecto a otros dominios.
Como de Seo poca idea, agradeceria alguna explicacion.
Y otras 2 duda que me rondan es
1.Si alguien sabe si se indexan bien dominios que contengan el termino "mini"
2.Si sería recomendable incluir links propios en cada foto de flickr. Averigue que no está penalizado con lo que nuevos 30.000 enlaces podrían estar esperando ver la luz. Más cuando veo que muchas visitas en mi caso provienen de dicha comunidad .

UTube Vs. YouTube: You Call this a Litigation Minefield?

Now that YouTube has money in its pockets, the video-sharing site is being sued -- but not by the media companies.

Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment Corporation, an industrial manufacturing and sales firm, filed suit this week against YouTube in Ohio federal district court, arguing they've incurred dramatic Web support costs and lost business because surfers looking for YouTube ( accidentally visit Universal Tube's site ( instead.

"The spillover of nuisance traffic to Plaintiff's neighboring website at has destroyed the value of Plaintiff's trademark and internet property, repeatedly caused the shut down of Plaintiff's Web site, increased Plaintiff's internet costs by thousands of dollars a month, and damaged the Plaintiff's good reputation," the complaint reads.

Universal Tube is citing trademark infringement. They are requesting a permanent injunction to stop YouTube from using, and transfer of that domain to Universal Tube. They are also suing for lawyer's fees.

Since Google announced its intent to purchase YouTube last month, Universal Tube says their hosting fees have increased from less than $100 per month to more than $2,500 per month.

Universal Tube's complaint also states that YouTube promotes copyright infringement, and that the people who mistakenly visit are not the types of people Universal Tube wants visiting its Web site.

"These unwanted visitors often fill out Plaintiff's sales request form at seeking more information in a vulgar and belligerent manner," the complaint reads. Examples of said messages include "WHERE THE F**K ARE ALL THE VIDEOS??? 1.5 BILLION FOR THIS PIECE OF SHIT WEB SITE? GOOGLE GOT TAKEN!"

Exhibit number two in the complaint is an inquiry from a police department in Australia: "You currently have a video titled Cunt the Movie. It may contain child p... as the people who are in it are underage. Please remove it from the site. Could you please also advise me if you are able, who uploaded it onto your site. Regards, Simon Clemence Detective Senior Sergeant Victoria Police S... Crimes."

The rest of the complaint goes on to state that Universal Tube has lost business because of time devoted to dealing with complaints, reporters, and lost sales. Universal Tube also cites the Lanham Act for trademark infringement, and says YouTube is willfully confusing customers about the nature of Universal Tube's business.

"The UTUBE mark is distinctive and a strong mark, as there can only be one internet domain in the entire world named"

I've made the complaint itself available for download here.

UTube vs YouTube Part II

Is that a web 2.0 shadow?

A while back, (“the number one supplier of used Tube Machinery in the world,” they claim) complained that people were mistakenly arriving at their site when they actually wanted to land on Well, I guess the wave of laughter erupting after that didn’t go by unnoticed, and UTube has now reconsidered... and is trying to monetize all that traffic, it seems (70,000 people per day, according to them), despite having gone to court suing YouTube earlier. Quote Mambo in the forum:

[U] has taken advantage of the extra traffic, and has created an advertising-dominated search engine box, on the top of their main homepage.

The sponsored links are laid-out to look like videos, some with their own “ratings”.

There’s a couple of search suggestions to get you started, like poker and ringtones. And when you click the UTube logo, you’ll end up on a “what’s hot” listing linking to searches for britney spears, nintendo wii and what-not. Here’s the top search result for poker, along with the unrelated web cam girl and the fake rating (both appear on other ads, too):

I wonder if there’ll be a round III in this battle...

UTube sues YouTube

Dealer of used tube and pipe equipment hopes to strip YouTube of its domain name

UTube Vs. YouTube: You Call this a Litigation Minefield?

A dealer of used tube and pipe equipment filed a lawsuit this week hoping to strip YouTube of its domain name.

Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment Corp., based in Perrysburg, Ohio, says that confusion between its Web site,, and is damaging its reputation and costing the company thousands of dollars.

The firm filed its suite against YouTube Monday in the U.S. District Court for Northern Ohio.

Since Google announced in early October that it plans to purchase YouTube, visitors to have skyrocketed, from a few thousand per month to more than 70,000 per day, Universal Tube said in its suit.

That extra traffic has crashed Universal Tube's servers several times forcing the company to switch Internet service providers, at an additional monthly cost, in order to handle the increased traffic.

Universal Tube also said that it now receives rude e-mails from people confused about why they can't find videos on, calls from journalists wanting to write about the confusion and even messages from law enforcement officials trying to track down the source of child porn posted on

"Plaintiff has lost its kingdom within its domain," the suit wryly claims.

Universal Tube asks the court to stop YouTube from using the domain and turn it over to Universal Tube. The company also seeks damages to be determined by the court and other monetary payment, including three times YouTube's profits from infringing sales.

Previous media reports have said that Universal Tube, while dismayed at being inundated by more visitors to its site than it could handle, was hoping to sell its domain at a significant profit based on its newfound popularity.

Now that YouTube has money in its pockets, the video-sharing site is being sued -- but not by the media companies.

Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment Corporation, an industrial manufacturing and sales firm, filed suit this week against YouTube in Ohio federal district court, arguing they've incurred dramatic Web support costs and lost business because surfers looking for YouTube ( accidentally visit Universal Tube's site ( instead.

"The spillover of nuisance traffic to Plaintiff's neighboring website at has destroyed the value of Plaintiff's trademark and internet property, repeatedly caused the shut down of Plaintiff's Web site, increased Plaintiff's internet costs by thousands of dollars a month, and damaged the Plaintiff's good reputation," the complaint reads.

Universal Tube is citing trademark infringement. They are requesting a permanent injunction to stop YouTube from using, and transfer of that domain to Universal Tube. They are also suing for lawyer's fees.

Since Google announced its intent to purchase YouTube last month, Universal Tube says their hosting fees have increased from less than $100 per month to more than $2,500 per month.

Universal Tube's complaint also states that YouTube promotes pornography and copyright infringement, and that the people who mistakenly visit are not the types of people Universal Tube wants visiting its Web site.

"These unwanted visitors often fill out Plaintiff's sales request form at seeking more information in a vulgar and belligerent manner," the complaint reads. Examples of said messages include "WHERE THE F**K ARE ALL THE VIDEOS??? 1.5 BILLION FOR THIS PIECE OF SHIT WEB SITE? GOOGLE GOT TAKEN!"

Exhibit number two in the complaint is an inquiry from a police department in Australia: "You currently have a video titled Cunt the Movie. It may contain child porn as the people who are in it are underage. Please remove it from the site. Could you please also advise me if you are able, who uploaded it onto your site. Regards, Simon Clemence Detective Senior Sergeant Victoria Police Sexual Crimes."

The rest of the complaint goes on to state that Universal Tube has lost business because of time devoted to dealing with complaints, reporters, and lost sales. Universal Tube also cites the Lanham Act for trademark infringement, and says YouTube is willfully confusing customers about the nature of Universal Tube's business.

"The UTUBE mark is distinctive and a strong mark, as there can only be one internet domain in the entire world named"

I've made the complaint itself available for download here.

UTube vs YouTube Round II

A while back, ("the number one supplier of used Tube Machinery in the world," they claim) complained that people were mistakenly arriving at their site when they actually wanted to land on

Is that a web 2.0 shadow?

Well, I guess the wave of laughter erupting after that didn't go by unnoticed, and UTube has now reconsidered... and is trying to monetize all that traffic, it seems (70,000 people per day, according to them), despite having gone to court suing YouTube earlier. Quote Mambo in the forum:

[U] has taken advantage of the extra traffic, and has created an advertising-dominated search engine box, on the top of their main homepage.

The sponsored links are laid-out to look like videos, some with their own "ratings".

There's a couple of search suggestions to get you started, like poker and ringtones. And when you click the UTube logo, you'll end up on a "what's hot" listing linking to searches for britney spears, nintendo wii and what-not. Here's the top search result for poker, along with the unrelated web cam girl and the fake rating (both appear on other ads, too):

I wonder if there'll be a round III in this battle...

Namensprobleme: Utube vs. YouTube

Namensprobleme: Utube vs. YouTube

Der US-Eisenwarenhersteller Utube wird von unzähligen umherirrenden Surfern heimgesucht, die es eigentlich zu YouTube zieht. Nun verklagt man den Namensvetter.

Mit dem Kauf durch Google hat YouTube einiges an Bekanntheitsgrad gewonnen. Doch nicht alle Surfer schaffen es auf Anhieb zur korrekten Adresse, sondern landen zum Teil auf den Seiten von Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment. Das Unternehmen nutzt die gleichklingende Adresse und wird mittlerweile von Anfragen überschwemmt. Allein im August verzeichnete man 68 Millionen Seitenaufrufe, was die monatlichen Kosten für die Website von 19 auf 3000 Dollar hochgetrieben haben soll.

"Wir haben versucht mit YouTube zu reden, aber da gab es keine größeren Gespräche. Jetzt überlasse ich die Sache unseren Anwälten", erklärte Ralph Girkins, der Präsident von Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, dem Magazin Times. Per Klage fordert man, dass YouTube sich eine neue Domain sucht oder für die Kosten aufkommt, die man selbst bei der Suche nach einer Alternative zu hätte. Daran, dass man gewinnt, zweifelt Girkins nicht, schließlich sei man zehn Jahre vor YouTube da gewesen. (dd)

utube vs. youtube: Probleme gibts!

Zugegeben, Verwechslungen können ärgerlich sein.

So etwa für die Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corporation, einem Röhrenhersteller aus den USA. Die Firma besitzt die wohlklingende URL - nicht weit vom berühmten

Das «Problem» von utube: Die Surfer können nicht richtig tippen. So erhalte die Firma täglich bis zu 70'000 ungewollte Zugriffe auf ihre Website, schreibt Die Server von utube gingen dabei zwischendurch in die Knie.

Was macht ein richtiger Amerikaner in einer solchen Situation?

Richtig: «Sue the bastards!».

Glaubt man dem Bericht von so ist das Problem wirklich untragbar:
Auch werde das Unternehmen zunehmend mit E-Mails konfrontiert, in denen erboste Verfasser sich darüber beklagten, dass auf der Seite "" keine Videos zu finden seien. Immer wieder müsse man auch Journalisten abwimmeln, die über die Verwechselung berichten wollten – und selbst Strafverfolgungsbehörden würden per Mail an Mitarbeiter von Universal Tube herantreten, wenn wieder einmal strafrechtlich relevantes Material auf "YouTube" veröffentlicht wurde. Von den YouTube-Betreibern verlangt Universal Tube deshalb auch Schadensersatz und andere finanzielle Entschädigungen.
«Die spinnen, die Amis», kommentiert da henusode-blog zu Recht.

Es gäbe auch eine andere Möglichkeit.

Die 78 jährigen Rentnerin Edith Schölermann macht es vor. Die Dame hat die gleiche Nummer wie die FIFA, allerdings mit deutscher statt Schweizer Vorwahl. Und da landet der eine oder andere verwirrte Fussballfan bei ihr. Über 1000 Anrufe hat Frau Schölermann in den letzten Monaten entgegengenommen - und immer freundlich den Irrtum aufgeklärt.

Auch Anfragen aus dem Ausland erhielt sie. Ein Grund für sie, ihre Fremdsprachekenntnisse aufzubessern. Einfach Auflegen könne sie nicht, «das wäre unhöflich», wird sie in 20 Minuten

Dass man jemanden deswegen verklagen könnte, kommt ihr wohl nicht mal im Traum in den Sinn. Sie denkt ja nicht einmal daran, ihre Telefonnummer zu wechseln.
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UTube vs YouTube

After the annoucement that Google was buying YouTube, tons of users flooded the site UTube, which is apparently a site where you can buy used tubes and pipes. Somehow, the site is the 6th most popular manufacturing website (I say because of the people that go there by mistake). The owner claims that someone representing YouTube offered to buy the domain for $1 million but he's holding out for $2.5-$3 million.

UTube Vs YouTube Round IIWell, I guess the wave of laughter erupting after that didn't go by unnoticed, and UTube has now reconsidered... and is trying to monetize all that traffic, it seems (70,000 people per day, according to them), despite having gone to court suing YouTube earlier. Quote Mambo in the forum:

[U] has taken advantage of the extra traffic, and has created an advertising-dominated search engine box, on the top of their main homepage. The sponsored links are laid-out to look like videos, some with their own "ratings".There's a couple of search suggestions to get you started, like poker and ringtones. And when you click the UTube logo, you'll end up on a "what's hot" listing linking to searches for britney spears, nintendo wii and what-not. Here's the top search result for poker, along with the unrelated web cam girl and the fake rating (both appear on other ads, too):

Me: Greedy little bastards! Traffic ain't so bad is it now? IS IT!!!!

UTube vs YouTube

On dirait que la compagnie UTube est en maudit contre YouTube. J’ai essayé de faire ma petite recherche en surface pour savoir qu’est-ce que UTube faisait, mais le site web est mort. Et c’est exactement ce que U reproche à You.

Ils disent ( U ) que You a “volé” leur nom et la compagnie de clips vidéo serait forcé d’utiliser un autre nom à l’avenir. UTube aurait enregistré son nom de domaine en 1996. Ça leur donne une bonne longueur d’avance.

Bon, pour ce qui est de mon opinion sur le sujet, ça dépend. Selon les circonstances, ça pourrait changer. Qu’est-ce que fait UTube? Est-ce que c’est quelque chose relié à un domaine concurrentiel à YouTube? Est-ce que c’est la faute à YouTube que UTube a tant de traffic. Évidemment que oui… Et si c’était la faute des UTILISATEURS qui tappent mal le nom? Est-ce que YouTube peut être tenu responsable des erreurs des gens? Jusqu’où UTube peut aller dans ce dossier, est-ce que c’est même légal de demander un changement de nom dans ce cas? Est-ce que McDo a demandé à McDonalds Cigarette patente de changer son nom? Peut-être, mais ça n’a pas marché parce que McDonald Cigarette existe encore et si ça raté, c’est probablement à cause des marchés complètements différents des deux entreprises.

En tout cas, à date mon avis est que c’est plate pour UTube, mais elle ne peut vraisemblablement rien faire.

UTube vs YouTube and Profiting from traffic

A while back, (“the number one supplier of used Tube Machinery in the world,” they claim) complained that people were mistakenly arriving at their site when they actually wanted to land on Well, I guess the wave of laughter erupting after that didn’t go by unnoticed, and UTube has now reconsidered and is trying to monetize... vs Stays Alive

I accidentally typed yesterday trying to get to the YouTube site. So this is real. More reasons to own a generic, descriptive non-made up name that nobody can claim an exclusive right to use.

Thanks sincerely for the link Dan !~ :)

UTube vs. YouTube

A už je to opäť tu. Ďalšia spoločnosť, ktorá by chcela zarobiť na najväčšej akvizícii tohto roka sa opäť vynorila. Tentokrát je ňou spoločnosť sídliaca na stránkach
Tá tvrdí, že na jej servery je vyvíjaný obrovský nával. Ide o nával užívateľov, ktorý na doménu zablúdia pri hľadaní A aj napriek tomu, že UTube nie je na takýto smer orientovaná, YouTube im údajne zapcháva "trubičky" vedúce k serveru, pričom dôsledky pociťujú hlavne zákazníci UTube. Preto sa UTube rozhodlo žalovať YouTube a dožaduje sa buď toho, aby YouTube zaplatil zmenu identity firmy alebo aby si YouTube jednoducho zvolilo inú doménu.

Utube vs YouTube - Producono tubi ma guadagnano di più dai video

Utube logoImmaginatevi di avere il sito Utube, e che un giorno arrivi Google e compri il sito YouTube per una cifra da capogiro, attirando milioni e milioni di internauti alla ricerca di video. Su milioni di utenti, centinaia di migliaia sono sgrammaticati, o scrivono l’URL a orecchio (Utube e YouTube si pronunciano in maniera uguale)… e bang!, DDoS istantaneo. Mentre YouTube incontrava il successo, il povero sito della Universal Tube e Rollform Equipement Corporation (sì, l’avete capito, vendono proprio veri tubi) è finito offline per settimane.

E allora ci sono andati giù di cause su cause, citando YouTube per il mancato guadagno. E anche quando Google, agendo attraverso intermediari, si è messa ad offrire un milione di dollari hanno tenuto duro ed hanno rifiutato. Anzi, mostrando un certo fiuto per gli affari hanno anche caricato dei banner pubblicitari sulla propria pagina, ed è stato subito un vero sogno diventato realtà: pare che i milioni di visitatori mensili che finiscono per caso in mezzo alle piegatrici di lamiera fruttino a UTube la bellezza di 1.000 dollari al giorno.
Frattanto la lotta in tribunale continua, ed è il colmo dell’ironia che sia la stessa complicità involontaria del famoso sito di video a foraggiarla.

Via | Mashable

Utube vs Youtube

Η Utube, είναι μια μικρή εταιρία στις ΗΠΑ που κατασκευάζει σωλήνες! Το κακό είναι ότι το όνομα της εταιρίας μοιάζει πάρα πολύ με αυτό του YouTube, με αποτέλεσμα πολλοί να μπαίνουν κατά λάθος στη σελίδα της εταιρίας αυτής αντί να βρεθούν στο γνωστο Web2.0 site που πλέον ανήκει στο Google. O server της Utube όμως δεν μπορεί να αντέξει αυτή την απρόσμενη επισκεψημότητα και έτσι αρκετά συχνά πέφτει. Η Utube σκέφτηκε να εκμεταλευτεί αυτή την επισκεψημότητα, πουλώντας… ringtones και μάλιστα κερδίζει χιλιάδες δολλάρια καθημερινά από αυτή της τη νέα δραστηριότητα. Η αλήθεια είναι, ότι με τόσο επισκεψημότητα θα μπορούσαν να κερδίζουν πολύ περισσότερα, αν για παράδειγμα πουλούσαν το domain τους στο google, ή ακόμα καλύτερα στο… yahoo!

uTube vs YouTube

En internet hay diferentes disputas de dominios en las que una empresa exige que se le devuelva el nombre. Dos empresas piden el mismo dominio, pero en este caso la empresa en cuestión pide que deje de llegar tráfico a su web por equivocación, más o menos una locura."Universal Tube & Rolform Equipment Corporation",, demandó hace tiempo a Youtube, ya que su página estaba siendo bombardeada diariamente, por gente que buscando videos, escribe mal la dirección y termina viendo equipos para fabricar tubos. Su demanda iba expuesta a que Youtube pagara el ancho de banda adicional que estos visitantes les hacia gastar. Mientras que la demanda todavia no se ha llevado a cabo, uTube ha publicado publicidad y enlaces vendiendo melodias entre otras cosas con lo que está ganando casi 1000 dólares diarios gracias a esas visitas por las que demanó a Youtube.


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